Macro Photography – An Introduction

Transcript Tyson Sugihara: Hey everybody. It’s Tyson Sugihara here, and welcome back to this week’s blog and podcast. This week we are going to talk about macro photography. I just picked up this crazy new lens—crazy and new for me. It’s the Canon MPE-65 Millimeter Macro, and it is a macro specialty lens. I’ve had other macro lenses in the past that could be used for a wide variety of things. I had one that was 100 millimeter. They call it a macro, but you could use it for portraiture photography as well, which is very popular amongst the macro lenses. This one is specifically and purely for macro photography. The big thing here is that a lot of people confuse macro photography with close-up photography, and there are many lenses that allow you to do close-up photography. However, true macro (meaning giving you a 1:1 aspect ratio) is something that does require a little more specialty use in specialty features on the lens. This particular lens will go 1:1 to 5:1, and you can see the results that I’ve posted here, and that of course, will be on the screen right now. This is just my first couple of weeks with this lens, and I’ve got to tell you, honestly, I don’t know that it’s the first macro lens that I would suggest anybody purchase unless you know that’s exactly what you want to do, that’s all you want to do, and you’re willing to put in a lot of time, effort, frustration, and a lot of “insert expletive here” because this is a very challenging lens to use. Let’s go through [...]

By |2016-10-17T12:10:22-05:00May 26th, 2016|Photography, Podcast, Studio, Weekly Tips|0 Comments

Introducing Tyson Sugihara Photography

In this episode My lovely wife, Nicole joins me in the studio with some questions about my beginnings as a photographer.  We also chat about my passions, inspirations, and other ventures that led me down the path to a professional career. Podcast 1 Tyson Sugihara: Hello, everybody! This is Tyson Sugihara with Tyson Sugihara photography and Thin Air Media and I would like to welcome you to my inaugural podcast, it's a week before the holiday season and you know I'm really excited I have my beautiful wife Nicole here with me today. We are doing a lot of amazing things this year both for business and personal development. It's been a really great year and we just wanted to take a couple of moments to first of all like I said welcome you to my first podcast and we're just going to do a little bit of back and forth, this isn't scripted and... So here we are. Nicole Sugihara: Hi, my name is Nicole Sugihara and as Tyson said I am his lovely wife and the name of the show is called 'The Studio Life'. And Tyson is a professional photographer and videographer. He also does a lot of graphics design and build websites. I wanted to take a moment today to ask him some good questions about what makes him tick really. And about what... he loves about photography and what he doesn't love about photography or what are experiences like so... I'm going to ask him some good questions about what he does on a daily basis and why he does what he does. So, How does that sound? Tyson Sugihara: That sounds great! Let's get going. Nicole Sugihara: So, the first [...]

By |2016-10-17T12:10:25-05:00December 16th, 2015|Podcast|0 Comments
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